
Credit Hours: 24
Categories: , , Valid in the following state:

Locksmith 24hr Renewal Package

This course package is designed to fulfill your 24 hour CE requirements for the three year / 24 hour requirement of the Louisiana State Fire Marshall Office for Locksmiths.

Categories: , , Valid in the following state:

Product Description / Course Objectives

This state package includes the following courses: Common Sense Approach to OSHA Safety / Electricity 101 / Introduction to the ADA / Overview of the Life Safety Codes – Module One & Two / Access Control for Beginners / Interchangeable Core / Introduction to Access Control / Introduction to Locksmithing / Wafer Lock Reading


This course package is designed to fulfill your 24 hour CE requirements for  the three year / 24 hour requirement of the Louisiana State Fire Marshall Office for Locksmiths.

Credit Hours: 24


Approved for CEU Credit in:
