
Credit Hours: 2

Ethics for the Security Industry


This two (2) hour online ethics training course is designed for burglar alarm and security industry technicians, salespeople, and managers.


The purpose of this course is to provide guidance to the student regarding their ethical obligations to various “stakeholders” they interact with and to reinforce this understanding by making a connection with their inherent sense of right and wrong.

The course is divided into four parts:

  1. Overview of professional and security ethics
  2. Evaluating your ethical compass
  3. Connecting your personal and professional ethics
  4. Security industry codes of ethics

Throughout the online training course, there are a series of ethical challenges designed to test the student’s understanding of ethical issues and behaviors using a variety of real-life scenarios.

Register for the Ethics for the Security Industry and learn on the best continuing education platform with the most effective e-learning and up-to-date technology.

In this course, the audio has been enriched with the innovative integration of Cymatrax technology, providing an enhanced auditory experience for learners.

Product Description / Course Objectives

After completing this online security industry training course you will be able to:


  • Analyze the workings of their personal moral compasses.
  • Formulate an understanding of security industry ethics and codes.
  • Develop an expanded framework for ethical decision making that can be applied to both personal and professional situations.
  • Internalize values that increase their worth as security professionals and members of society


Credit hours: 2


Approved for CEU Credit in:

Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Tennessee QA, Texas