Communication Skills

Have you ever felt you just weren’t getting your ideas across to a coworker?  Have you ever found your mind wandering as someone spoke with you?  If either of these situations sounds familiar, you’ve experienced a breakdown in communication. Communication is the successful exchange of information from one person to another.  Good communication is vital to your success as a supervisor in the hospitality industry.

The good news is that anyone can learn to communicate better.  Communication is a skill. And like all skills, good communication requires practice. This course will help you understand and learn the necessary skills to become an effective communicator in the workplace.

Product Description / Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. To understand how you can influence a relationship
  2. To identify the behaviors associated with good working relationships
  3. To appreciate the impact of relationships on personal performance and clients
  4. To know when and how to use a range of soft skills

Credit Hours: 1

With the purchase of this course you gain exclusive access to our highly valuable Free Microlearning Lessons! Upon completion of this course, in 30 days you will receive a single email with 3 FREE Microlearning Lessons. Each lesson is carefully crafted to provide you with key information based upon the content of this course. Elevate your skills, gain confidence, and achieve your goals!

Approved for CEU Credit in:

Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Tennessee, Texas