
Credit Hours: 12

Standard Progression Format – Basic Master Keying

The Standard Progression Format was developed as a tool for implementing keying systems and teaching master key generation techniques in the 1950’s. During this 12 hour course you will learn about progressives and why parity is important in a two step system. You will also be familiarized with single step systems. In both step systems you will understand how to fill in a Key Bitting Array and determine a Sequence of Progression for the system. As part of the progression technique you will learn the hows and whys of developing incidental master keys. Application of the MACS will let you understand the difference between theoretical and actual change keys in a system and there is a section of the class that will show you how to manipulate the KBA so that MACS violation keys are easily found and eliminated. Finally, there is a brief introduction to the Rotating Constant method of system generation and the class also reviews approaches to the premise survey, the keying conference, and situations to look for with older hardware that must be rekeyed. Students in this class should be familiar with lock construction, nomenclature, and keying techniques. They should understand pin tumbler cylinder design and be familiar with the SKCS.

Product Description / Course Objectives

This course will teach the student standard progression techniques using the Standard Progression Format page layout. It will instruct regarding how to fill in a Key Bitting Array and use the data in that array to progress blocks, vertical groups, pages and multiple pages of change keys in a system along with various incidental master keys designed to be located on the same form. The student will learn about application of the MACS, get an introduction to the Rotating Constant Method as well as the single step progression technique. He will learn how to interact with the end user and the best way to communicate with him to understand what he wants to accomplish. The various options available for premise surveys and record keeping are also covered.


Credit Hours: 12


Approved for CEU Credit in:

Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina:(Locksmith), Texas