This package includes the following courses: Introduction to the ADA / Introduction to the New Jersey State UCC / Introduction to New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode / Common Sense Approach to OSHA Safety / Residential Fire Systems / NJ Laws & Regulations: Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm & Locksmith / Advanced Burglar Alarms / Burglar Alarm Basics / Introduction to Locksmithing / Interchangeable Core / Enhancing Personal Effectiveness / Perimeter & Interior Detection / Professional Customer Service for Alarm Technicians / Automotive Locksmithing Kwikset & Schlage Lishi Tool / Introduction to Commercial Hardware / Employee Motivation / Overview of the Life Safety Codes-Module 1 / Locksmithing Residential Rekey / Installing and Servicing Door Closers
The following Credits are included to ensure all mandatory credit requirements are met:
- New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode (2 hours) N.J.A.C. 5:23-7
- New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (2 hours) N.J.A.C. 5:23
- Americans with Disabilities Act (2 hours) 36 CFR 1191
- Industrial Safety (2 hours)
- New Jersey Laws and Rules governing the Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm and Locksmithing Services (2 hours)
- Residential Fire Systems (4 hours)
This package has been designed to fulfill the 38 hours required for a dual Burglar Alarm and Locksmith New Jersey License Renewal, as mandated by the state of New Jersey.
Credit Hours: 38
Approved for CEU Credit in:
New Jersey