Interactive Map: Colorado

Who is the governing agency?

Colorado Division of Registrations
State Electrical Board
1560 Broadway, Suite 1500
DENVER, CO 80202
(303) 894-2984
Fax: (303) 894-2300


What are the initial requirements for a low voltage license?

Electricians licensed in another state may qualify for licensure by endorsement if the applicant has substantially equivalent credentials and qualifications to those required in Colorado for licensure by examination. In addition, applicants are required to:

  • Submit a completed Colorado State Electrical Board Application for License by Endorsement.
  • Submit the non-refundable application processing fee.
  • Provide Affidavit of Experience forms of electrical experience obtained.
  • Submit a letter from the state licensing agency that issued your license. The letter must:
    • Verify that you hold a comparable and state issued license.
    • Verify that your license was obtained by examination.
    • Provide a list of the categories covered on the exam, which includes:
      • A breakdown of percentages for each category covered in the specific examination taken.
      • The edition of the N.E.C. used for the examination.
        (Your original license examination must have been based on the current edition of the N.E.C. in effect at the time of application.)
    • Provide a list of the experience requirements for the license, and verification that the requirements were met.

Please follow this link for a breakdown of Electrical Licensure by Examination or by Reciprocal Agreement.

Burglar alarm installation does not require a license from the state; however, it is frequently licensed by local governments.

Fire alarm system installations do not require a license but must be inspected by local (city/county) building department. “FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS” and Contractors are licensed by the Department of Public Safety.

What are the continuing educational requirements of the State?

Senate Bill 16-1073 Electrical Industry Safety and Training Act

All Colorado-licensed Residential Wireman, Journeyman, and Master Electricians must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education (CE) during each three-year license period before they may renew their license. This requirement does not apply for the first renewal of the license for which, as a condition of issuance, the applicant successfully completed a licensing examination.
CE hours must be selected from among the Core Competencies listed below:

  • Grounding and Bonding
  • National Electrical Code Changes
  • Wiring Methods
  • Theory and Calculations
  • Safety Related to the Electrical Industry

Additional Information

  • A minimum of four (4) hours is required in National Electrical Code Changes.
  • No more than four (4) hours will be credited in safety courses related to the electrical industry; however, there is not a requirement to take courses in safety training.
  • CE courses will only be accepted by the Board if they are taken with a CE provider/vendor that has attested to the Board that their courses and instructors meet the requirements of Board Rule.
  • Audits of compliance will be conducted after each license period.
  • Licensees are responsible for maintaining their own CE documentation; CE providers/vendors do not supply the Board with CE completion records. Please retain all copies of your completed course certificates for seven (7) years, in the event you are selected for an audit.
  • It is the responsibility of all licensees to ensure CE courses and providers meet the requirements in Board Rule(opens in new window). Reporting providers whose courses do not meet the requirements as stated in rule can be done by emailing the Board at

Continuing Education Attested Providers
The link below contains a list of CE providers/vendors that have attested to the Board that the courses they provide and the instructors they employ meet the Board’s requirements. Please contact the individual providers directly if you have questions or would like to schedule courses.


Approved Continuing Education Coursework:

2023 NEC Wiring Methods and Materials – 2 hours

Common Sense Approach to OSHA Safety Procedures – 2 hours

Electricity 101 – 2 hours

Fundamentals of Documentation, Inspecting and Testing – 1 hour

Life Safety Functions: Smoke Control – 2 hours

On the Job Safety – 1 hour

OSHA Blood Borne Pathogens – 2 hours

OSHA Excavation and Trenching – 2 hours

OSHA Fall Protection – 2 hours

OSHA Lock Out Tag Out – 2 hours

OSHA Scaffolding – 2 hours

Overview of Life Safety Codes Module One – 3 hours

Overview of Life Safety Codes Module Two – 3 hours

Overview of NEC Wiring Methods – 1 hours

Overview of NFPA 70E Standards for Electrical Safety in the Workplace – 1 hour


License Renewal Information: All Electrician and Electrical Contractor licenses expire on September 30, 2026, and renew every three years. View your expiration date on your online account. Please note that renewals open approximately six weeks prior to the expiration date.

The Board hereby adopts the National Fire Protection Association standard number 70, hereafter known as the National Electrical Code, 2020 Edition, and as may be amended by the Board. These standards are adopted as the minimum standards governing the planning, laying out, and installing or the making of additions, alterations and repairs in the installation of wiring apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat, and power in this state. The effective date shall be August 1, 2020.


All Elite CEU license specific coursework is approved by NICET for the renewal of NICET Certifications. To update your NICET Certification, review our Fire Systems Category or Industry Code Category for applicable coursework. Remember, this is not a State specific Certification, and our coursework is approved across State lines. For up to date information and requirements for your Certification renewal, you can visit the NICET website here.


All Elite CEU, Inc. courses and Certifications are available for General Education